
“Presentations with a Personal, Lyric Quality”
UCSB Marine Biology Center, Arendt, Mosher, Grant Architects ($ 5,800)
Marine Biology Center: A Close-Up Showing Line and Color Work
Detail of University Plaza for Arendt Mosher Grant, Architects ($6,700)
University Plaza Shopping Center: Close-Up of Line & Color Work
Basic Pencil Sketch for Kaptur-Ricciardi, Architects, Palm Desert
Sketch for Plaza Linda Vista, 1525 State Street, Santa Barbara ($ 2,700)
Plaza Linda Vista: A Close-Up of Line and Color Work
Hand crafted presentation sketches are offered on a time available basis, providing an old-school. personalized presentation which has more appeal than machine-generated electronic media. Media choices include pencil, ink line, pastel, watercolor, marker and colored pencil, as is appropriate. Well drafted ink linework provides a credible representation of both the form and detail so precious to the design undertaking, greatly favored by good designers and architects. Work is billed on a time basis, and current values are shown in parentheses.