• Residence for Cal Loan, 11 Daffodil Rd., Goleta. In permitting.
• Arlington Court Condominiums, Anacapa Street, Santa Barbara (cover)
• Marilyn Goggin Residence, Olney Creek, Redding, CA.
• Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hanrahan, 111 Calle Bello, Santa Barbara,
• Mr. and Mrs. Roy Norman, Alamo Pintado Road, Santa Ynez
• Mr. and Mrs. Al Dzur, Nogal St., Santa Barbara: 60 degree air generated from a rockbin for cooling on a hot summer day, after a cool night.
• Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Petersen, 995 Mariposa Lane, Montecito
• Plaza Linda Vista Penthouses, 1525 State Street, Santa Barbara (photo)
• Royal Vista Homes, for Royal Construction, 13 Homes Goleta
• California Passive Solar Design Winner, 1979, Paso Robles, CA.
• HUD Grant Passive Solar Design House, Sacramento, with Irv
• Los Banos Pool Remodeling Feasibility Study : for Santa Barbara.
• Presidio Springs Solar Water Heating: Laguna Street, S. Barbara
• 160 unit solar hot water arrays integrated into the building design